Our last regular meeting of September is on Tuesday, September 29. We’ll be back at South Central. We will start out in the media center then break out to the 400 hallway. If you signed up for robotics and we have not seen you for a meeting, outreach or event yet… You need to check in. We have 167 people on our list, but only about 100 of those folks have ever been to a meeting. On October 1, I will be removing the names of students we have not seen or heard from since the recruiting night. Maybe you had a crazy September or perhaps you just got sidetracked… It’s not over yet, but you will need to contact me and let me know whats going on. You’re running out of time to make enough points to make the team. Remember, this goes for veterans and new students. It’s all about the participation. Let me know if you have questions or concerns. Hope to see you on Tuesday night. Mr. Bill