Team Meeting Tonight 10/1 – First Homework Assignment

Bill McClungGeneral

Our first team meeting with all of the new folks is tonight. We have a lot of stuff to go over. We also have a lot of events coming up very soon. Tonight’s meeting will be at South Central High School at 6:30 PM. The meeting will start in the media center in the front of the school.

Here is the first homework assignment: There are two pieces. Send an email to Mr. Bill at by October 22. Fill out the Student Application form (Page 19) and the Student and Parent Contract (Pages and 20 and 21). I need these back by October 22. You can email, or bring the hard copy to Mrs. McClung. We’ll have copies of these pages for you tonight.

I am attaching a copy of the team manual to the “About Us” page on the website. I’ll show you where to find stuff on the web page tonight. Hope to see you there.